Alzheimer’s Research UK within a very short time have developed a fantastic tribute fund scheme raising £12,000 this month alone.
The success is down to a good mix of Tributes Funds and Funeral Collections, great working relationships across teams alongside internal promotion of tributes funds. Plus, Georgina and her team are giving the personal touch to supporters, offering to create tributes on their behalf and providing additional assistance where necessary.
"MuchLoved focuses on the needs of the user and ensures their journey is smooth and hassle free which is why we at Alzheimer’s Research UK have registered with MuchLoved. It is so important to us that those grieving have somewhere to share their memories, photographs and anecdotes about their loved one that is no longer with them. The speediness of the support and the ability to customise our reports help to make the charity’s internal process smoother. We are really excited about the potential the tribute funds on MuchLoved have and I look forward to seeing the upgrades and development work next year." Georgina Hyman Legacy & In Memory Manager
MuchLoved’s bespoke and fully integrated platform enables them to provide their In Memoriam supporters with the perfect place to remember and fundraise.