Why are events so important?
In memory events are a fantastic way for your in-memory supporters to remember their loved ones and engage with your charity. Events pages sit within a tribute and lead directly to increased tribute income. At MuchLoved, our data has shown that any form of engagement with a tribute increases the average value of the fund, and events and videos have the biggest impact. Tributes with one or more event raise on average 200% more than other tributes*. Charities that include events in their stewardship plans will likely see a marked increase in fundraising activity.
Case study: MNDA’s fundraising team share their experiences
Watch our webinar recording to hear some inspiring stories of how the MNDA team help and steward their supporters. Some of their key insights and recommendations are:
- Tribute funds can be an effective retention tool to keep people fundraising
- Stewarding tribute fund events is a collaborative effort between various teams. Supporter Care, the Community Team and Income Processing all play an active role
- Design a clear supporter journey for fundraisers, with touch points to ensure each supporter has a great experience and knows the impact their fundraising is having for the charity
- Provide training on the MuchLoved platform for your Community Team so they can use it to support families
- Supporters love that the tribute can bring all their events together in one place in memory of their loved one. They can also add photos and videos to each event, helping to bring the tribute to life
- Use a triage system, based on fundraising value, to make stewarding thousands of events more manageable
More reasons for including in-memory events in your stewardship plans
- MuchLoved’s flexible open platform means you can easily link other events pages to the tribute, such as JustGiving or a Facebook fundraiser
- Events encourage friends and family to interact with the tribute page in other ways, perhaps lighting a candle or posting a thought
- Commemorative or community events, which aren’t fundraising, can also be linked with the tribute and will encourage engagement
- If you are a MuchLoved partner, your reports will show a breakdown of how much was collected for each event on the tribute
How to add an event to a tribute
Your supporters can add events to their tribute in three ways:
- Tribute holders and their friends and family can set up their own event directly through the tribute from the events tab, or opt to take part in one of your pre-listed events.
- You or your supporters can link JustGiving event pages and the story, messages and donations will be pulled across to the tribute. Fundraising will show in the cumulative total on the tribute
- They can also signpost other events pages, e.g. an Enthuse page or Facebook fundraiser. This brings all the events activity together in one place
Watch our webinar recording to see a demo of the various ways to add events to the tribute, as well as hearing the fascinating insights from MNDA. If you have questions, contact our Support team: support@muchloved.com or 01494 722818
*Source: MuchLoved data over a 3-year period