Maximising In-Memory Income: Internal Promotion

14 April 2021

As much as you need to share your tribute fund with your supporters, it's crucial to promote it internally too.

Your colleagues can act as advocates about your tribute fund scheme, to both existing and potential supporters who may benefit from a fund. But first, they need to know about the scheme and the key contact details, or this can't happen.

Who needs to know?

The short answer is everyone. All of the charity’s employees not only need to know the relevant details about the tribute fund scheme, but also why it's so important, how it helps not only your charity but also what it can offer a bereaved family.

Don’t just think in terms of the charity’s fundraising team, anyone can be an advocate. Does your charity have any community-based staff or volunteers, an outreach team, nursing staff? Reception staff that meet the public on a regular basis? These front line workers can be key influencers for your scheme.

What do they need to know?

You need to tell your colleagues three main things:

Why: Tell colleagues why the tribute fund scheme is important. Explain how the income raised has made a difference, and if possible put it in tangible terms that relate to their work, i.e. ‘last year tribute funds raised enough to purchase two new pieces of care equipment’. 

You also need to share why the scheme is so important for bereaved families, what a page offers, and how it can help them in their grief. Tribute pages are at their heart a bereavement care tool, so share this with your colleagues. 


This is the all-important ‘elevator pitch’. Staff need to be able to explain in a few short sentences what your tribute fund scheme is and why it matters. You can provide all this information for them in advance to make it simple, and if possible use the same language and terms that are used on print literature or your website. 


Staff need to know where to direct people internally, i.e. the name and contact details of the in-memory fundraiser, and the web link of the in-memory fundraising page on your website (this will ideally be a short web link that can be shared verbally and in print, rather than searching from the homepage.)  Staff are far more likely to advocate for you if they have clear signposting to share and know who to talk to.

How can I tell people?

This will depend on the size and resources of your charity, but if available you could consider:

  • Staff info packs - brief guides to tribute funds with the above information clearly mapped out for them, especially contact information. This doesn’t need to be a large document, it can even be a business card for them to carry. 
  • Internal newsletter - regular, consistent messaging and signposting to the in-memory fundraiser so staff are familiar with the scheme. This is also a great way to share the impact of tribute funds; share information about recent funds and what they have raised and how they have helped the family and the charity.
  • Intranet - could you have a section on the intranet about in-memory funds? If possible have your ‘elevator pitch’ information available here. 
  • Event fundraising - is there a member of the events team that could champion tribute funds for you? If events supporters are in-memory motivated then it’s a natural fit and could encourage them to support you in the long-term. 
  • Induction training - if possible introduce tribute funds to new staff right from the off, and share the staff info pack with them. 
  • Team meetings - could you attend other team meetings, such as supporter care team meetings, or heads of department meetings for a shared learning session, possibly with a tribute fund holder? Sharing the impact of a fund from a supporter perspective is particularly powerful, and is something managers and care team members can then use when communicating with other stakeholders. 
  • Volunteers - often volunteers are a key public-facing role, in shops, receptions etc, and can be a great advocate for your tribute fund scheme. Speak to your volunteer coordinator or the volunteers directly, and give them a staff information pack too if you have one. 

Resources - some items to consider

  • Staff information pack. These can (and should) be very succinct info sheets, with a brief explanation of what a tribute fund is, how it helps people, and how to set one up. You could consider putting this onto a business card, with the in-memory fundraiser contact information and web links, which could then be given in small quantities to front line workers to distribute if they wanted to. This can be an inexpensive way for staff to pass the information on, without having to retain the information themselves. You could also have a small flyer, or even a basic in-house printed sheet so staff have the details they need. 
  • Flyers - for staff to distribute. Again this helps staff have the information at their fingertips, and is a good way of spreading the word about your tribute fund. These should also be available on reception if you have one, with all receptionists clear who to contact internally if someone is interested. 
  • Short web links - if possible make your tribute fund page web section a memorable, print-ready link e.g. This way staff can share it verbally and it can be included in literature easily. If people have to search on the homepage or staff can’t remember where to find it, you will lose potential supporters.

And finally...

Have a backup. Who would someone speak to if you were on holiday? If possible try and ensure that another staff member can set up a fund and help supporters in your absence.

If you're interested in finding out more about working with us, and how we can help you maximise your charity's in-memory income, contact us on 01494 722818 or email

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