MuchLoved Partner Award Winner

30 March 2017

MuchLoved's Partner Event is an annual get together for our charity partners.  It's an opportunity for them to network and learn about our latest developments, discover our plans for the future, hear how others are using the platform and receive advice on how to get the best out of the service.

Now in our third year of running the event we've introduced a Partner Award.  We wanted to recognise and highlight a partner or individual who has really engaged with the service and utilised it to its best ability. After much deliberation we were delighted to present the award to Tess Moore, MND Association Tribute & Fightback Funds Executive.  The MND Association were one of the first charities to introduce Tribute Funds to their supporters and have been using the MuchLoved platform since 2008. Now they have over 900 online tributes and last year alone brought in over £1million through their Tribute Fund scheme. We wanted to acknowledge Tess's hard work and contribution to this amazing achievement.

If you haven't had the opportunity to attend one of our partners events, please do come along to next years.  For Optimum partners, an invitation for the event is part of the package and we encourage partner contacts to bring along a colleague from another team so they too can learn about the benefits of tribute funds and help promote the scheme internally. Plus, if you're so inclined, there will also be an opportunity to showcase your Tribute Fund scheme during our Case Study session.  This year we were honoured to have Mark Spruce from Cransley Hospice, Michael Clarke from Cystic Fibrosis Trust and Tess Moore from the MND Association share their stories and wisdom.   Information about next years event will be distributed towards the end of this year.

Michael Clarke, Cystic Fibrosis Trust

Michael Clarke, Cystic Fibrosis Trust

Mark Spruce, Cransley Hospice

Mark Spruce, Cransley Hospice

Tess Moore, MND Association

Tess Moore, MND Association

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