Our new-look Tributes

25 September 2018

Over 50% of MuchLoved's users now access their tributes on smartphones and small hand held devices.  The content our users upload is precious and needs to be clearly visible - whatever device it's been viewed through.  So we've made some changes to the tributes and updated their layout to ensure all users have a simple and beautiful experience however they are accessed; phone, tablet or PC.

The overall look of the tributes is now a simpler and cleaner view, whilst keeping the layout and the functionality our users are familiar with. Tribute Guardians and guests will get a better experience as they navigate around their Tribute and will be able to see a full summary of all content on their site straight away from their home page, including any video tributes.

Clicking on photos will pop them into a scrolling slideshow (fully swipeable on smartphones) and users are now able to share individual photos, candles, thoughts and videos they've added directly through the social media buttons in the footer of the tribute if this has been enabled by the Tribute Guardian.  Thoughts and Candles now have their own, separate galleries making it easier to view them and see all lit and past candles together in one space.

For those that do view their Tribute pages through hand-held devices it's really straightforward to make donations and add messages or candles by quickly scrolling down their screens.

We’ve also made developments behind the scenes to make sure that all your content displays perfectly on all screen-sizes, ranging from wide desktop screens through to small hand-held devices.

You can find out more here: Updated-page-layout-autumn-2018

© MuchLoved Limited 2024, Company Number 14965211.
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